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5 Years
57 Rural Englewood Passages
140 Days out of the City

"I am an Urban Prisoner of War... Soon to be Free."

Chicago’s most devastated communities, historically plagued with unemployment, violence and incarceration, are survived by families that have lived in the communities for generations. Regardless of the family experiences, nor the predictable future, families continue to breed their next generation into its systemic cycles of poverty, dependence, and often devastation.

An applied science of systemic oppression in South and West Chicago, has held community residents in devastating conditions leading to continued systemic cycles.

UPOW are Chicago’s most at risk young men. They were born into a war they did not start. They simply took their positions, like anyone born in a War Zone one would. These battle tested young men are in a desperate need of rescue and an intentional process of refinement.

Treating Complex Trauma, Training in Disciplines, Training in Vocational Skills = Healing & Skilling = Psychological and economic Self Sufficiency = Herd Immunity.

"I am a committed Passenger returning to my true self."


Our goals revolve around the refinement of our PASSENGERS

Stage 1 -
1st 30 days on the Refinement Compound

Establishing Safety.


Stage 2
2nd 30 days in Chicago-based Passage Bubble

Challenging old patterns and behaviors.


Stage 3
The final 30 days on the Refinement Compound

Activating new patterns and behaviors.

Expanding perspectives and rules of engagement.

Setting the context for the return.

Scaled Passage models in 2024!

3-6-9 METHOD

The 30 – 60 – 90 day Refinement Passage methodology, is our way to a state of Herd Immunity against poverty, death and incarceration. 

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